Tuesday Night Fell Run

Time: Meet at 18.50 for a 19.00 start. Finish around 20.30.
Venue: Different venues across Sheffield and the Peak District. Locations will be posted on the Striders Members Facebook Group and sent to members via the weekly email bulletin. You can find the upcoming fell running schedule here (note: this page is locked for members-only to view). This page shows details of locations and route descriptions – please keep a track of any changes to fell runs using this schedule.
Facilities: Meeting points will usually be at or near a pub or car park so there may be car parking and toilets.
Kit and equipment requirements: Please read our fell run checklist for runners below. This checklist can also be downloaded here.
Distance: 4-7 Miles
Run Leaders: Nick Burns and Seth Kirby

Fell Run Checklist for Runners

For our club fell runs please follow our 7-point checklist before joining our sessions:

  • Come with a sense of adventure – we will help you explore new places, well, hopefully! Especially at night…
  • Wear trail/fell shoes to prepare for potentially challenging and slippery terrain
  • Don’t forget your headtorch (from September to March time). Remember to charge your torch or phone too, or pack spare batteries
  • Wrap up in appropriate clothing for the season, such as warm and waterproof clothing for the colder, wetter months and apply sun cream in the summer. But check the weather forecast before you set off!
  • Bring sufficient food or hydration including water for the run (we will be out for 1.5 hours most weeks…)
  • Plan to take any medication you might need during or after the run
  • And most importantly, money and warm clothes for the pub afterwards!

If you have any questions, please email us.