When: Sunday 21st September 2025

  • Ladies Teams – 8:00am
  • Mixed Teams – 8:15am
  • Open Teams – 8:30am

The Sheffield Way is one of the most popular events on the club calendar and a team event has been held every year since 1997. The race is just under 50 miles, in 5 legs of approximately 10 miles each, of an off road route around the perimeter of Sheffield. Each team is made up of 10 runners, with a pair running together on each leg. An individual Ultra Race was incorporated into the event in 2013. For details about the route see below and download the detailed information here.

To enter a team contact Steve Haake: stevehaake.sheffield@gmail.com

Individual Striders who would like to take part but don’t have a team should send their details using the entry form, which can be found pinned as a featured post on Facebook and in an e-mail to all club members. We will need to know:

  • Your latest 10km / 10 mile / half-marathon times
  • If you have run a particular leg before
  • If there is a leg you want to run
  • If there is someone you want to run with

As each leg definitely needs checking out first, teams are picked in advance of the date of the race. Experienced runners from the club will be leading the recces of the legs in the weeks before the event. Keep an eye on Facebook (and emails) to hear about the recces.

Other running clubs that wish to enter a team, please contact Steve Haake: stevehaake.sheffield@gmail.com.

Route descriptions and maps

A written description of each leg is provided on the following pages

Leg 1 Text
Leg 2 Text
Leg 3 Text
Leg 4 Text
Leg 5 Text

Way Relay Leg 1 Map


Way Relay Leg 2 Map 


Way Relay Leg 3 Map 


Way Relay Leg 4 Map


Way Relay Leg 5 Map


Results & Records