Terms and Conditions for Percy Pud 10k Participants

In these Conditions the following definitions shall apply:

Organiser” means Steel City Striders Running Club and all its officials, marshals and volunteers;

Participant” means the person competing in the Race and whose details were provided to the Organiser via the on-line entry form;

Race” means the Percy Pud 10k.

“Race Date” means the first Sunday in December.

1 Entry Fee

The entry fee for the Percy Pud 10k is as detailed on the online entry form (Entry Fee). Subject to the remainder of these terms and conditions, THE ENTRY FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE and ENTRIES ARE NON-DEFERRABLE to next year’s race in accordance with these terms and conditions. However, RACE NUMBERS CAN BE TRANSFERRED FOR FREE to alternative individuals during the period shown on the entrant’s race confirmation email. 

2 Entry Policy

Under UK Athletics (UKA) Rules and Regulations for 10k races, the minimum age for Participants is 15 (fifteen) years of age. All Participants under the age of 18 (eighteen) years must obtain consent from their parent or guardian in order to register and participate in the Race.

3 Participants enter the Percy Pud 10k entirely at their own risk

The Organiser shall not be liable for any injury or loss occurring as a result of participation in the Percy Pud 10k (including, without limitation, any losses resulting from the Organiser’s negligence), provided that nothing in these terms and conditions shall exclude or limit the Organiser’s liability for death or personal injury resulting from the Organiser’s negligence or for any other type of liability that cannot be excluded by law.

4 Medical Conditions

4.1 It is recommended that the Participant prepares and trains for the Percy Pud 10k. The Participant is advised to consult with their medical practitioner prior to entry to the Race if they have not exercised for some time or have a medical condition. If the Participant has a medical condition, it MUST be detailed on the reverse of the Race number.

4.2 The Participant agrees that, as far as they are aware, they are physically able to compete in the Percy Pud 10k and, to the extent that it may be necessary, they have sought and relied upon any medical advice before the date of the Race. Should any medical or physical condition arise prior to the Race, the Participant should withdraw from the Race.

4.3 The Participant consents to any medical treatment being administered during the Race by medical personnel as set out in condition 13.

4.4 The Organiser may prevent the Participant from taking part in the Race (either at the start or during the Race) if the Organiser or any medical representative considers that the Participant should not participate or continue to participate in the Race for health and medical reasons.

5 Race Numbers

5.1 All Participants must clearly display the number allocated to them on the front of their vest/ t-shirt etc. throughout the Race.

5.2 Race entries cannot be assigned or transferred other than through the official entry site, as this may result in delay or difficulty in the event of an emergency. The last date for such action is clearly stated on the participants entry confirmation email.

5.3 Race numbers and information (the Race Pack) will be posted to Participants prior to the Race to the address provided upon completion of the entry form.

5.4 The Organiser accepts no responsibility for the non-delivery of the Race Packs. If the Participant does not receive their Race Pack prior to the Race, it is their responsibility to contact the Race entry company within the timeframe stated on the Participant’s Race entry confirmation email and no later than the final date stated.   Whereupon arrangements can be made to issue another Race Pack.

5.5 Race numbers cannot be collected on the day of the Race.

6 No Animals

Participants are not permitted to run with pets or any other animals in the Race.

7 Aided Participants 

For Visually impaired participants who are aided around the course by a guide runner. The guide runner must be a registered entrant in the Race. Entry is free for England Athletics Registered Guide Runners. Subject to them supplying their up to date accredited England Athletics Guide Runner details.

8 Health and Safety

8.1 The pushing of persons in a Wheelchair, Pushchair, buggy, stroller or similar is NOT PERMITTED in the race which is held under UK Athletics Rules (RULE T55 (240) S 6 UKA Supplement, Wheelchairs and Buggies). Self propelled Wheelchair Athletes must position themselves at the rear of all the runners at the start.

8.2 Bikes, scooters, roller skates, or any kind of mechanical aid (except wheelchairs) are strictly prohibited from the Race course during the Race.

8.3 The Participant must ensure that they have the correct footwear and clothing for the Race.

8.4 The Organiser may at any time during the Race or prior to the Race prevent the Participant from participating in the Race if it considers such action is necessary for the safety and enjoyment of other Participants.

8.5 All decisions and rulings by the Organiser shall be final in respect of the safety, running and organisation of the Race, the rules of the Race, the finish times and positions. 

9 Postponement or Cancellation

9.1 The Race is currently scheduled to take place on the Race Date.  Subject to the remaining provisions of these terms and conditions, the Organiser will use its reasonable endeavours to ensure the Race takes place on the Race Date but may postpone, cancel and/or change the route and/or length of the Race if circumstances beyond the Organiser’s reasonable control arise, or are likely to arise, on the Race Date including, without limitation,:

9.1a war, civil or political unrest;

9.1b Terrorism;

9.1c acts of God, flood, drought, snow, storms, or other natural disaster or inclement weather conditions; or

9.1d epidemic or pandemic,

9.1e Force Majeure Event. 

9.2 Where a Force Majeure Event arises, or is likely to arise, on or before the Race Date, the Organiser will use reasonable endeavours to inform the Participant of this and of its decision to postpone, cancel and/or change the route and/or length of the Race.  Please therefore ensure that the contact details that you provide to the Organiser are up-to-date. 

9.2a In such circumstances, and after consultation with relevant bodies (e.g. Sheffield Council, the Police and England Athletics), the Organiser will use reasonable endeavours to ideally proceed with the Race on the Race Date but to change the route and/or length of it and, if that is not, in the Organiser’s sole discretion, considered feasible or safe, to rearrange the Race for the next available Sunday (rather than cancel it) NO REFUNDS OR DEFERRALS WILL BE PAYABLE IN THESE CIRCUMSTANCES. 

9.2b Should the Organiser, in its sole discretion, consider it unfeasible or unsafe to proceed on the Race Date or postpone the Race pursuant to condition 9.2a  unable to, the Organiser shall cancel the Race. NO REFUNDS OR DEFERRALS WILL BE PAYABLE IN THESE CIRCUMSTANCES. (After all contractors, suppliers and administration costs etc. have been met, any outstanding monies may be donated to local Sheffield charities and good causes).

9.3 The Participant agrees to abide by any changes (including cancellations) and acknowledges that any decision is entirely at the absolute discretion of the Organiser.

9.4 If the Race is postponed, cancelled or changed in accordance with this condition 9 the Organiser shall not be liable to Participants for any losses whatsoever or howsoever incurred as a result (including travel and accommodation costs incurred by Participants) except in respect of losses that cannot be excluded by law.

10 Data Protection

We always take the security of your data very seriously in accordance with the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR).  The Participant agrees to the Race entry, timing and results company engaged by the Organiser storing his/her personal information and using this information for the purpose of organising the Race in accordance with the company’s privacy notice and policy. The Participant’s data will not be passed on to any other third party other than in a medical emergency on the day of the Race.  Should any participant not wish their data to be used for this purpose after the Race they should contact the Organiser.

11 Use of Images

The Participant consents to the Event being photographed, filmed and recorded by means of photography, television, film, video or some other broadcast or media format and agrees to the use and reproduction of his/her name, likeness, appearance and photograph. All such commercial rights belong entirely to the Organiser and the Participant has no proprietary rights in relation to any film, photograph or other such recorded media.

12 Baggage Storage

All personal items of clothing and baggage may be left in the marquee/ containers, however the Organiser does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for the safe keeping or storage of these items which are deposited entirely at the risk of the Participant.

13 First Aid

The Organiser shall endeavour to ensure that appropriate first aid assistance will be available for the duration of the Race. There will be a first aid point at the start/finish area, along with first aid attendants and ambulance along the course. Volunteers and marshals in attendance at the Race are not medically trained and will not give medical assistance other than requesting for medical assistants to attend.

14 Race Time

The Organiser will use its reasonable endeavours to provide the Participant with a finish time save that the Organiser shall not be responsible for any anomaly or technical malfunction in relation to the same.

15 Race Photographs

The Organiser may, acting in its sole discretion, allow photographers to capture images of all Participants, however, the Organiser is unable to offer any guarantee in this regard. Online purchase of said photographs would be purely between Participant and photographer and the Organiser accepts no responsibility for any purchase transaction.

16 Rules

The Participant agrees to abide by all applicable rules and regulations imposed by the Organiser or UK Athletics that oversees the running of the Race. The Participant will not be entitled to a refund of any entry fee if they are disqualified from the event due any infringement of these conditions or any rules or regulations.

17 Limitation of Liability

17.1 Nothing in these terms and conditions shall limit or exclude the Organiser’s or a Participant’s liability in respect of death or personal injury resulting from its or their negligence, fraud or fraudulent representation, or any other liability that cannot be excluded or limited by law.

17.2 Subject to condition 17.1, under no circumstances shall the Organiser be liable to a Participant for any of the following, whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise: loss of revenue or anticipated revenue, loss of savings or anticipated savings, loss of business opportunity, loss of profits or anticipated profits, wasted expenditure, travel and accommodation costs, pledges made by a Participant to any charity or other third party, or any indirect or consequential losses. 

17.3 The Participant agrees to indemnify the Organiser in relation to any claims, action, liabilities or losses resulting from any breach by the Participant of these terms and conditions.

17.4 Subject to condition 17.1, the Organiser’s maximum aggregate liability in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise, however arising, under or in connection with these terms and conditions shall be limited to the amount of the Entry Fee paid. 

18 Disclaimer

18.1 In submitting an application to participate in the Race, the Participant accepts and agrees to be bound by all conditions of entry set out herein or notified to them prior to the Race or displayed at the Race or any instruction given to them by the Organiser. The Participant acknowledges that the Organiser and Officials of the Race shall (subject to condition 17 above) have no liability for any loss or damage they may suffer (including but not limited to travelling to and from the Race and during the Race).

18.2 The Participant agrees that it is their total responsibility to be vigilant whilst running, for road drainage grates, manhole covers, road cats eye markers, curb stone edging, traffic cones, chip timing mats at the start & finish, within the grassed finish area, marquees and whilst using the toilets.

18.3 The Organiser accepts no liability for the state or condition for the Race road surface and grassed finishing areas, and the Participant should ensure that they are satisfied with the state and condition of the surface of the route before commencing the Race.