Handsworth Hobble trail race result

Race Date: Monday 19th June 2023

121 runners for this year’s Handsworth Hobble. It was a hot and humid one!

The male race was won by Tom Saville of DPFR in 33.13. The female race was won by Amy Wilks of HRRC in 44.52.

Well done to all Striders, especially to Paul Middlemas for first MV40, Fiona Jeffries 3rd lady and Jacqui Herring, 1st FV50.

Many of you will have seen that Vikki McAuley took a big tumble during the race. Here’s to wishing Vikki a very speedy recovery.

Striders Results:

Pos Name Category Time
5 Paul Middlemas M40-49 00:36:59
10 Neil Schofield M50-59 00:39:35
12 John Kilcoyne M40-49 00:39:51
23 Paul Remmer M40-49 00:43:38
25 Nick Burns M50-59 00:44:49
30 Chris Brown MSen 00:44:56
33 Adam McAuley M50-59 00:45:08
36 Paddy Treehowes M50-59 00:45:32
42 Fiona Jeffries F50-59 00:46:26
50 Jacqui Herring F40-49 00:48:12
59 Martin Downham M60-69 00:50:38
78 Joel Driver M40-49 00:56:12
94 Katelyn McKeown F40-49 00:59:06
96 Jo Gleig F60-69 00:59:56
97 Christine Booth F40-49 01:00:18
108 Ruth Tucker FSen 01:06:40
109 Tracey Gledhill F40-49 01:09:11
116 Hannah Wright FSen 01:16:58

Full Results: Handworth Hobble Results 19062023

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