The Sherwood New Year 10k & 5k Result & Report

Race Date: Sunday 9th January 2022

Race Report by John Armitage

The Sherwood New Year 10k and 5k returned to the race calendar in January 2022, after a Covid-enforced absence of a year.

The route was a two-lap course using the trails, bridleways and footpaths within the picturesque forest of Sherwood Pines. This was primarily a hard track, with sections of the route being slightly muddy. It wasn’t a flat route, but an undulating course with a few challenging inclines and, naturally, some downhill.

The 10k event is two laps of the route and the 5k is one. Conditions were bright and cold, and the event was fully sold out!

The 5km race was won by Mathew Horrocks (unattached) in 00:18:17, and the first lady was Louise Lowe (unattached) finishing in 00:23:11. No Striders were among the 69 runners taking part in the 5km.

The 10km race was won by Matthew Craen (unattached) in 00:35:54, and the first lady was Ciara Porter (unattached) finishing in 00:45:50. Two Striders were amongst the 316 runners taking part in the 10km.

Striders 10k Results

P Name Cat Cat P Time
86 John Armitage MV50 13 00:52:54
265 Jason Kelwick MV45 20 01:09:17

Full results are available on the Nice Work website.

The Armitages with their 10k medals

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