Cop Hill Fell Race

Race Date: Sunday 7th November

Report by Caroline Brock

Tim Holt promoted this race to Striders in part due to the fact it was the Yorkshire Veterans AA Fell Championships. A small contingent of us made the trip over to Meltham, with 1 Strider having moved locally making a much shorter journey. It was nice to see Alasdair whose aim was to beat his younger self from when he ran the race a number of years ago (he did beat himself!).

Classed as a fell race but advertised to be more like a cross country race, this is a great introduction to off road running but still fun for those of us who love to run off road! I would agree this is like a cross country race with some short road sections included, nothing technical for anyone who wants to try this race next year.

Paul Middlemas

The race is 2 laps and about 10k with 900ft of climbing. The wind at the top of the cop was ridiculous, at one point I am sure I wasn’t moving and there was plenty of mud around too, all making a fantastic little race to put a smile on your face.

There is a vast amount of cake and tea/coffee available after for 50p each, this and the lovely sports complex the race is hosted from is another good reason to go next year.

To our delight all Striders that attended managed to do well in the YVAA Championships and came away with small trophies for their efforts.

Alasdair Menmuir (2nd M35), Tim Holt (3rd M40), Paul Middlemas (1st M40), Seth Kirby, Caroline Brock (1st F35)

First home was Andy Smith of Slaithwaite Striders (a club who did particularly well!) in 38:52 and first female was myself Caroline Brock in 45:45.

Striders Results

Pos Name Time Trophy Awarded
7 Paul Middlemas 42:08 1st M40
16 Caroline Brock 45:45 1st F35
18 Seth Kirby 46:05 1st M35*
27 Tim Holt 48:16 3rd M40
34 Alasdair Menmuir 49:45 3rd M35**

* later rescinded on the grounds that, as he’d declared on his entry form, he’s only 31; boo!
** later promoted to 2nd, after an admin error by the organisers involving an under-age athlete was corrected; yay!

See also the full results and the YVAA Results.


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