Stride for Sheffield Day 4

Day 4 of of Stride for Sheffield and we saw a rebound to over a 100 miles for the day, reaching 122.5 miles, helping to fuel the relentless romp southward through France. Biggest individual contributor for day 4 was Paul Shelton you biked his way to a solid 16 miles, while the Family Powell contributed over 20 miles in a fantastic joint effort.

Setting out on day 4, it would seem remiss not to visit a place named Saint-Georges before continuing on into the Parc Naturel Régional de l’Aubrac. One of France’s more recent national parks, it shares the beauty and rolling hills of the Peak District, no doubt helping Sheffield tourists to feel right at home.

Rumours of a local underground head torch group were unable to be confirmed sadly. The meander through the national park also allowed the opportunity to visit Château de Calmont d’Olt, something of risk given it’s still functional Couillard that is used to greet people “not from round ‘ere”.

Last stop of day 4 was the small, exotically named, city of Rodez, home of the Ruthénois. Home of it’s ‘own’ Notre-Dame as well as a number of exciting bollards no doubt.



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