Kong Mini Mountain Marathon 4 – Kinder 2017 Result

Race date:  Sunday 26th November 2017

The good people at Mini Mountain Marathon organise these orienteering races in, you’ve guessed it, challenging terrain.  This one took place on Kinder, which as we all know, is a really pleasant place for a stroll on a very warm day in mid-summer.  Guess what it’s like in November.

For those unfamiliar with this type of race, Joe Buckman helpfully explains:  “It’s an orienteering score event. … you have 4 hours to find as many control points on the map as you can and get back to the start. You can visit as few or as many as you want and spend as long on the hill as you want, but for every minute you are late over the 4 hour time limit, you will lose points.”

182 orienteers braved the “Deep snow, human eating peaty bogs and blizzards” (Andy Buck’s words) with Richard Kendall coming first with a score of 447 (time 04:08:38).  Mary Gillie of Clwydian Range Runners was the highest scoring woman finisher, in 6th place overall with 326 points.

The results (not for the feint hearted) are here .

P Name Cat Points Time
21 Andy Buck MV50 260 03:55:02

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