Peak District South 2 North Ultra race result

Race Date: Saturday 19th November 2016

A little bit late but worthy of a write up and mention. The South 2 North weekend seems a low key affair with only 5 entrants for Stage 1, Ashbourne to Edale, including new Strider, Will Roberts. Well done to Will on his 50km Ultra. Here is his brief report. Sounds like a good experience and worthy of a look next year perhaps

Afternoon Folks
I recently joined the Striders as I really enjoyed the Monday training sessions and looked forward to entering some races next year with the added motivation of a team to run with!
However, I’m currently in training for a big challenge and am not getting the chance to get involved. Still, on the 19th I did the Ranger Ultras Peak District South 2 North Ultra registered as a Strider. Figured I should fly the flag (though it was too cold to show off the vest!).
I’m new to the group and new to Ultra Running too. I’m an unlikely athlete. At the beginning of this year, whilst weighing 90kgs and struggling to run 10km, I signed on for the Ice Ultra, a 5 day, 230km trudge through Arctic Sweden in February ’17.
During training this year I’ve run my first half marathon, the Berlin Marathon and my first 2 50km ultras. I’ve also got down to a healthy 73kgs and developed an addiction to buying running shoes.
Here’s a little taste of what I’ve been up to. Give my BaldlyGo page a like for updates, blogs and video diaries.
I’m on this journey to raise money for MS Society UK for the support they’ve given my Mum and in memory of my Dad who sadly passed away recently.

Once February’s big trek is out of the way I’ll be getting my vest on and getting involved.
Thanks you lovely people!

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